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How to verify Technorati Claim Token – WordPress

Publicat de Mr. Miaghy on 03:26

According to Wikipedia “Technorati is an Internet search engine for searching blogs, competing with Google and Yahoo!”. Adding a blog to Technorati blog directory can help with SEO, as well as for increasing the traffic of your site. Technorati generates us a unique code for each blog, whenever you submit your blog.
We guess many of you may do not care about the verifying process of Technorati claim token, So we decided to write a tutorial on how to verify Technorati claim token which will be useful for many other blogger’s. Here are the steps we followed for verifying our Technorati claim.
1. First Make sure you know your RSS Feed Link.
2. Open wordpress DASHBOARD. Expand Posts Selection -> Click on Add New.
3. Expand Posts Selection -> Click on Add New -> then As Post title you can give anything. (i.e. Technorati Token).
4. In Body Section Just Paste your Techorati Token which you have got through e-Mail. and Publishpost. In my case the code is WS629AFT24N4  You can delete this post after you claimed your blog.
4. After publishing the post, make sure your claim token is visible in your RSS feed.
5. Login to your Technorati account and click check claim for your blog.
6. Click on the verify claim token.
So If All goes right then just wait for few minutes and you will get message something like this “We have successfully crawled your blog and found the claim token, and your claim is now awaiting review. “
Note :- Once your blog get updated on Technorati then you can delete this published post with Technorati Token Code.

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